Himalaya Acupressure & Acupuncture Clinic

Height Gain Acupressure
We offer acupressure treatment for Height gain to our clients. A specially designed height gain kit is very effective and people can get benefit out of this kit. In our Height gain therapy a person has to stimulate the key points through acupressure machine and apply magnets on their hands along with few other acupressure techniques. If these acupressure therapies are performed by our clients in a proper way, they can get a noticeable increase in their height. The acupressure height gain kit which is very effective in increasing the height is offered at very economical price.
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Diabetes & BP Management
Acupressure means applying gentle pressure on a precise predefined acupressure points called acupoint. Acupressure stimulates the central nervous system (i.e. brain & spinal cord) to release chemicals which in-turn released hormones that influence the body’s natural healing, promotes physical and emotional wellbeing. In the same manner acupressure treatment helps to normalize blood glucose level naturally without any side effects, but additionally it promotes physical and mental health.There are a number of benefits that may be realized by using acupressure for diabetes.
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Pain Management
We provide very beneficial acupressure therapies at our clinic which are useful in providing instant pain relief. We provide highly effective acupressure treatments for back pain, neck pain, knee pain, arthritis, cervical spondylitis, sciatica, shoulder pain, wrist pain, bone & joints pain, hip joints pain and ankle pain. Acupressure is a safe, natural form of treatment that can help one’s body heal itself. Acupressure is one such time-tested alternative method of treating wrist and arm pain that not only provides quick results, but also cuts out the side effects of painkillers.
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Dengue fever
Dengue fever is a dangerous infectious disease caused by a virus and transmitted by the Aedes or yellow fever mosquito. It usually occurs in tropical or subtropical climates. Symptoms include headache, fever, and intense joint pain. The symptoms usually last about a week. Fever usually subsides after 2 to 4 days then after 1 to 2 days it rises again, and followed by a generalized rash. In acupressure platelets couunt can be incresaed with in 1 or 2 days.
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Tonsils are the two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of your throat. They function as a defense mechanism. They help prevent your body from infection. When the tonsils become infected, the condition is called tonsillitis. Acupressure is often successful in alleviating the symptoms and speeding up full recovery by improving the function of immune system. Sit comfortably or lie down, close your eyes and breath deeply when massaging the active points.
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Migraine is one of the most common pains that people suffer form and although a headache may be mild or throbbing and last a few hours a migraine is a more serious condition where the pain may even last for days. In most cases common headache is caused by excessive stress, tension and emotional changes. But migraine is a more complex situation where the blood vessels of the brain enlarge to release chemicals from the nerve fibers that cause inflammation and hence the severe pain.
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Skin Problems
Skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permament, and may be painless or painful. Some have situational causes, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions are minor, and others can be life-threatening.By using the right pressure points you can regain the long lost texture and youthful skin. Acupressure improves the metabolism and the blood circulation in the skin.
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Weight Loss
Acupressure has proved itself once again in giving the best relief. The major exhaustion in today’s world is weight loss. Acupressure works like magic. No more stressful nights or painful workouts. Apply little pressure on the special energy meridian points on the body which expel excess heat and moisture giving an improved circulation to lose weight. It also strengthens your digestive system that will help you control your appetite.
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Memory Gain
Concentration and memory power are needed at any age and at any point of time. To keep it focused and relaxed is the biggest challenge one can have. Even as you sleep your brain slows down but keeps performing its function. As you age all your body parts and organs seem to weaken. If you look back into your life, you will notice that a few years ago you didn’t need to keep reminders to wish your friends on their birthdays.
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Depression is a condition in which a person feels discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general. When these feelings last for a short period of time. Most effective Acupressure Points for Relieving Stress and Anxiety and also prevent them to arise back. Acupressure is a very old technique to deal with various illnesses in human body. With help of Reflexology Acupressure Points, we can heal Stress and Anxiety.
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Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
There are 5 main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. These 5 types are of greatest concern because of the burden of illness and death they cause and the potential for outbreaks and epidemic spread. In particular, types B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and, together, are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer. Applying pressure to one of over 300 acupressure points can restore balance by improving the localized flow of blood and energy.
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Kidney Failure
Symptoms of kidney failure are due to the build-up of waste products in the body that may cause weakness, shortness of breath, lethargy, and confusion. Inability to remove potassium from the bloodstream may lead to abnormal heart rhythms and sudden death. Initially kidney failure may cause no symptoms.one of the best and long lasting ways of detoxification is thought acupressure points and reflexology.
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Basic Acupressure Courses
Basic Acupressure courses on Delhi as well as in Saraswati Vihar (Pitam Pura) provides the pressure point theory. Pressure point known as acupressure is an unique treatment the fingers to step by step press key acupressure points, which invigorate the body's regular self-remedial capacities. Pressure point treatment was created in Asia more than 5,000 years prior. Utilizing the force and affectability of the hand, Acupressure Therapy is powerful in the help of anxiety related diseases, and is perfect for self-treatment and preventive human services for boosting the safe framework.
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Advance Acupressure Courses
Advance Acupressure courses on Delhi as well as in Saraswati Vihar (Pitam Pura) provides the pressure point theory with five elements and tri dosh as per ayurveda.At the point when these pressure point massage focuses are animated, they discharge strong strain, advance dissemination of blood, and improve the body's life power vitality to help mending. Pressure point massage treatment can be utilized to diminish torment, strengthen the sexual regenerative framework, detoxify the body for more prominent wellbeing and magnificence, and tone facial and back muscles.
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Acupuncture Courses
Basic Acupuncture courses on Delhi as well as in Saraswati Vihar (Pitam Pura) provides the niddle theory. Acupuncture therapy alludes to a branch of Conventional Chinese Prescription that uses the insertion of needles to treat sicknesses in the body. Instructional classes in needle therapy are regularly found at the expert's level and take 3-4 years to finish. Be that as it may, a large portion of these underlying preparing projects are just offered on grounds because of the requirement for hands-on pragmatic experience.
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Best Acupressure & Acupunture Clinic in Delhi
Centered at Delhi, Himalaya Acu Clinic is one of the leading acupressure clinics engaged in providing qualitative acupressure services for a number of problems of the body. Our services are based on the ancient healing art which involves the pressing the key healing points of the body in order to get relief from a problem. We offer our acupressure services to a number of problems of a human body. Acupressure therapy is a healing art which possess self-curative abilities in it. The acupressure services we provide in our clinic are very effective for the ailments which are directly or indirectly related to stress and anxiety.
The acupressure treatment of our clinic is effective in improving an immunes system of a human body thereby providing ultimate results by releasing the tension; increases blood circulation and reducing the pain whatsoever. We have a vast domain expertise in providing best acupressure services to our patients who are suffering from one disorder or the other.