About Height Gain Treatment
As the saying goes "there is no gain without a little pain". According to Traditional Chinese medicine experts Acupuncture is proven method to enhance certain organ functions which in turn can stimulate height growth. Being short is serious social and emotional stigma for both parents and children.
Some kids want to grow taller then their actual height for various reasons. Due to some specific height requirements for many esteemed professions like Armed and security forces, Sports, Aviation industry, Modelling and Acting kids want to achieve few more centimeters to pursue the above mentioned career options. Attaining those few centimeters means fulfillment of their professional objectives and dreams.
Parents these days are also very much concerned about their kids to attain more height and motivate them to achieve it by various means.
Genetics is the most important factor in an individual height and it determines the persons height in seventy percent of the cases.
The main factors apart from the genetics which determines the person height are excercise, amount of physical activity, diet and sleeping habits. I. e A proper amount of sleep clubbed with a nutritious diet and some form of physical activity will help a kid to attain his or her optimum height.
A good quality of sleep ranging from 6-8 hours at night is of great importance to kids for proper growth and devlopment. Normally the production of Human Growth Hormone is at its peak from midnight to early morning and the body starts producing the HGH 90- 100 minutes after we fell asleep. Therefore the kids should be encouraged to go to bed not later then 10:30 at night.
Generally on an average kids grow taller by 1-2 cms each year. Females attain their maximum height by 17 years and Males grow up to 19 years of age. But due to many reasons a lot of children do not attain their standard height. The main reasons for this is low immunity, Genetics, certain ailments and poor nutrition which in turn affects the functioning of Endocrine glands.
Auricular therapy or Acupuncture can play a important role to help a person to become few centimeters taller. With the help of Ear Acupuncture even after the long bones are fused height growth can be initiated as joints have spaces and vertebral column consists of elastic cartilage which is capable of more growth according to experts. The capacity of the body to release growth hormones also plays a major role in build up of a cartilage.
Though growth hormones and cartilage are not directly associated but they are linked as growth hormones stimulate the liver to generate IGF-1 a devlopment factor which in turn controls body height and further boosts the growth of elastic cartilage which consequently impacts height devlopment.
With the help of Ear Acupuncture trigger points located on ear like endocrine, pituitary, spinal vertebrae and joints are stimulated which result in the production of growth hormones and also help to increase blood circulation around the targeted area which results in bone strength according to therapists.
One session of Acupuncture treatment for height gain takes around 40-60 minutes and very thin sterilized metal needles are inserted in the skin of outer Ear which are taken out after each session.
After completion of 10 sessions patients can repeat the entire course after 12 weeks. Ideal age for undergoing treatment is 12 -18 years though many patients have got good results at later ages also. Many patients get few extra centimeters while in some cases the result is hardly noticeable. The therapy must also be accompanied along with proper diet consisting of protien and calcium from natural sources. Certain exercises like high jumping, rope skipping, swimming and playing basketball for around half an hour 4-5 time a week also help in getting desired results.
Best Doctor for Height Gain in Delhi-NCR
Treatment for Height Gain
We offer acupressure treatment for Height gain to our clients. A specially designed height gain kit is very effective and people can get benefit out of this kit. In our Height gain therapy a person has to stimulate the key points through acupressure machine and apply magnets on their hands along with few other acupressure techniques. If these acupressure therapies are performed by our clients in a proper way, they can get a noticeable increase in their height. The acupressure height gain kit which is very effective in increasing the height is offered at very economical price.
Height Gain Kit
100% Natural, No Medicines, No Side Effects.
Increase in Height
Height gain kit should be used during 12 to 18 years of age for utilizing maximum benefits of that kit timely. But height can be stretched till 30 years of age via acupressure therapy. Points on your both hands are activated using acupressure machine.This practice is followed by application of magnets on those activated points for enhancing height.